The English word “politics” has its roots in the classic work “Politika,” by which ancient Greek philosopher?

“I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy” was a quote said to Dan Quayle by which vice presidential candidate in their 1988 debate?

What is the name of the landmark Supreme Court case that requires states to license and recognize same-sex marriage?

What position is next in line in the presidential succession after Vice President and Speaker of the House?

Which U.S. state has the most Electoral College votes?

What is the two-word term that refers to the appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured primarily to direct spending to a representative’s district?

Glenn “Kane” Jacobs and Jesse Ventura are current and former politicians who formerly held which profession?

Who was the first U.S. president to be impeached?

What is the title of the 1976 movie about the Watergate scandal starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford?

Who was the first Black person appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court?